Monday, August 1, 2016

What's really going on versus being stuck on moral expectations for women and others as the only goal as main product for "behavior"

It is most likely the case, that among men, they willingly! sacrificed one of the races to abuse, also satisfying an ages old goal to destroy a feminine empowered age as it really might want to be, - and all of history on all planes/parallel worlds is a scam to pre-destroy me as the savior who is gay, so that i would then be able to choose to melt to elecriticity as better than burning - in protest of conservative moralists (who are actually strictly and angrily liberal about everything at all times), and having the hospitality of serial killers to women in terms of denying how some of them would be measure and judged in a certain way for their appearance as privileged, as though men and women as adults didn't need an aquarian age for consciousness as grace as not just economically monitored to that unitary value, had to have an age of "swingers" and free love in communal settings end for people's superstitious roots, subjugating everyone to the digitalized, unfeeling, horrible counterpart of the economy, wherever they go and might want to be empowered to the good things.

They just erased a large paragraph about glory being my humiliation, not at the 50% power of the universe level, or even at the two individuals were i to have one friend versus billions level, but

anyways they are so evil.

A world does not have a hatefest because of the way dorks evoke dorks, but the other way around.  It's like having to be sensitive forever about things that were lost, for the reason of allegedly not having told the slaves as a class not to sin.  Stark people hate gay people in being too rigid and set in their ways regarding in an economic perfection/system, individuals often gay rise to attention of other groups being sold on illicit personal dysfunction.

Oh, morality plays,
morality plays,
why can't we just be morality plays to each other! - I can't stand level 2 1/2's actually.
I want them to be destroyed in war and tortured forever, the way they deal with other levels in doing that to us, as the cost of the journey.  We live and are stuck with forever higher levels sense of maneuverability to our doom and the indescribable - 3,000 mind tortures in my case, cycle that into 3,000 cycles of acknowledgement? - meanness to us that they aren't actually being ironic or sarcastic about getting along anyway about, even if it is only intensely intensely personal towards better people.  Yeah, way, way, way better.  Jesus should answer to me.  You people should speak up about the cost of unfriendliness after you learn to avoid this changing earth for being worse than the antichrist.  Jesus and his brooklyn trios don't exactly get women's modern playfulness as analogies.  They actually seriously hate gays - it's not a perfect point about a perfect point about not being a woman.  I'm not just an indigo (6) managing things pragmatically.

It was once in my world which is now 5-6, as slipped, after being from plane 8.  If the antichrist were at all kind to me, he would easily pass up to level 15 in meeting that infintessimal a drop of kindness, from people who it once would have been unthinkable to have to desperately ask for minimal help as any friend endlessly for years, as these "women" get ours to help them out.  You made understanding karma infinitely easy for the antichrist.  Fools.  I'm probably paying for saying something as infinitely out of place as kind as that insult.  Don't make that your policy.  I don't give 2 1/2 points to evil morons on the excuse from doing anything to save us all as a holy alternative to evil which could and would beyond defeat it, easily rising above level 25 from torture with a friend.  You wouldn't believe i was the savior if i told the people who all denied me jesus would have sent them to hell and did say they were antichrists who denied him.  Satan wasn't in trouble all the while he controlled the whole world.  He had a throne.  I am humble about levels and each invididual creature, in a way risen indigos never will understand;  so humble I do care though hardly in the way you think about all species and the planet.*  I think you people have no idea about where freedom blurs lines of valuing apostasy for its own sake, even being the hate, for nothing plus one, versus infinite.*

Repeat, Jesus answers to me.  Indigos don't like it, but he does.  5's who don't reach a point without conflict don't matter morally.  Is cruelty that is unfathomable to my people as evil a frightening authority from a 5?  Get over it.  Get over everything, about that no longer true religion.  What about other planes, and being on one?  I don't acknowledge as moral to truth at all what they did, what they are doing, in extrapolating the waste of all time to the power of the same amount of time as multiple planes of what a 2 1/2 would dream up about a course of military civilian technology.
