Monday, August 1, 2016

rough notes

Libya? - nature of secret selfish opposition to complete replacement;  the mannequins want to enter;  keep them in the closet
King Tut (Obama) - rational self-interest
Israel - discretion ;  possibly Abraham - Moses, to;

Jesus Christ;  Rome - I'm just curious about the fact they had the same initials; et tu Brutus?  they're not the only ones - Odin rose again.  There probably were 10 kings, in places like China, before the universal age, as kinds of compassionate sages regarding daily life and providence.
no further Europe age - Robin Hood, bypassed in favor of true principles of its age, One World
Animal Rights - myself

we're really going to have a developed etiquette by the time the last insect receives certain justice (most likely having nothing to do with giving pinscers to someone at a higher selfless level).  need to meet the lowest point of etiquette to defend all people including children as having any value before it's extended by satanism?  makes people want to fight like romans - what's to blame?  secret - actually a lapse, and not necessarily theirs,who lives anywhere, - about unkindness, that jesus addressed is key.  america under its leadership and these new people are not even at the low point of excusable, not that it's their fault.  so in keeping me destroyed versus an anti-gay religion, as low as like not existing bodily as connected form of material safety in a new place, huge price for a huge theft not by them but by what's above me in taking animals' lives', too.  many other things.  meaning unaddressed as scale, relevance, goodness, or purpose could create a machine.  it's already almost irrelevant and will be possible to fool people throughout time and space as far as the next age's cardinal values are concerned, in being monopolized to simple privilege by the church.

6. subsitution principle - "I'm a better king of competition"
7. Jesus was crucified to the level 6 substitution principle (every moral fact has a explanatory natural counterpart)
8. universalism - it wouldn't be a salvation/sacrifice to wipe us out on this new day.  And it wouldn't matter, as the principles of kindness otherwise as denied to the savior (who needs certain minimum kind things practically), myself, they need, are their responsibility.

So i'll probably only suffer until the libyans get to greenland, or if i become an owl - whichever comes first - that might be the quickest way.

We are post ill-will, post-sacrifice as special, post-inividual, but all species matter pretty much it can be affirmed equally;  we don't know what we are yet, in the complete sense, and i don't think we'd want to i know we wouldn't want to (not because we're bad, but in the sense of squeezing into a bunch of someone else's smaller outfits, and an atom has no idea how many other atoms [allegedly "exist"] except its own electrons), but combining secret natures of ill-will to a pure point of moral self-interest universally is making fools of people with more than negative worth, everywhere, whether they understand it or are participating like that or not, and it's using up creative directions of force as every having had a possibility of reaching any outcome other than disliking that again.

They suspect intelligence might be a bad product, so they're annihilating it among the classes of people who might be dumb enough to abuse it.
