Thursday, August 11, 2016

More chaos than we could imagine could burn forward. Be kind: women friends

When consciousness' strength is ground to a halt, it will seem like there's an alternative actually no alternative for the human race other than vampirism to heaven's infinite plane, paying all unnecessary costs then.  They do not want our timeline with its progress (non-christian [redundant:  conservative]) and its record of true new understanding liberated past them by the mere alternative of friendship/social health that all people refuse to understand as easily given.

We literally have a kind of blind spot to the selfishness of governing preservation as personality cults (common at the 2-6 level jump) - a focus i described somewhere on this blog - unlike a kind of new day of roses everywhere, and it's not pragmatic from our safe, successful timeline.  When i recorded some radio advertisements, usually the friendliest turf of public awareness, a man fitting a slightly pushier know it all description went on and on making errors in speech covering air time.  They direct tv broadcasts unlike anyone else receives even at local places, so far, and a seemingly blurred camera phone was momentarily clear as ever in photographing the entire changing published body of all worldwide sorts;  it's almost like a game to some of them in however long they're planning or have been living erasing our timeline with me as savior.  Really, I can't do it all myself - or can i - if i had one healing of mind-spirit female friend.  He's beyond forbidden it.  Everyone (well, who knows somewhere - my parents are supportive i probably have to say because they're that vicious/methodical) has beyond complied.

They left me nothing - no consciousness, this lonely way, which they as simpler crueler people have simply overwhelmed me in a steady unending plan... to... torture... me... and it may involve unforgiveness despite anything as kind or gay just for mental fears or problems, very young.  Their hard for us to understand will to power means that if there is doubt - never fully accepted versus their power and strengths - they still complete what the plan was doing in torturing me to rise to all power.  There's no dark matter in the universe to balance what has to burn.  It's unimaginable.  The universe - this one - could become connected as a lake of fire, or fear, if we miss this one point of including consciousness as its savior.  Noone recognizes that i know an unmatched if simple truth, and that almost everything else is disinformation, and they won't study and enlighten with any force the motivations, that should include other causes.

Our litmus tests don't work.  Colder kinds of people serve them, or lack urgency and err in their own professionalism, and any slower power manages against even fairly and equally addressing possibilities of outcomes in continuing risks that only grow in shallow concerns - denial, more so, of what we would not believe does happen to undefended people, times and places, that some responsible ones consider offensive as too weak and untenable as real protections and free rights of courses or development as intelligent - but not in a peaceful honest situation from honesty, except, still, in the case of that ultimate drive for power.  A people has to defend their children, and people are in competition.  The course of history can move somewhat in not allowing the entirety of brushing lives to no avail.  Cheap regencies and games might eclipse the appeal of whole unfathomable schemes and conspiracies, but need their own considerations of more than good feeling.  With me, the savior, the entire sweet beautiful heaven, can kiss (literally, it's a good thing) back to where there was already a shortcut, not go back along the track of deals and right-wing power now with its possible overwhelming strategizing, seeking to destroy jubliant hopes and diversity unclear to it.

We'd be looking at long term guidance that can't count on appearances.
