Thursday, August 11, 2016

N = 'normal' post: Post on schizophrenia

This kind of research and practice preys upon families looking for answers regarding a generally scattered organization of socially relevant presentation.  They even admit these young people who need extra security from stress overload to make sense might tend to be extra sensitive.  Drugs are a cold alternative that when matched to tension can cause some fearful people to overcompensate, but not in their thinking, - in an aversion to it, another nature of structure, that some people may be more creative and deeper invested than drugs allow in the function of the mind as it can develop in the full acceptance of saving what may be behind experiences as intertwined with causes.  Socialization, not just plain containment or prying analytical doctoring of reasons for it, as more available, is needed for an active depth - though it is the disapproval's basis - for people to organize their thoughts - and contribute like everyone else, even if they are more special in having better ideas and abilities.
