Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Risk of war - be careful

The lower levels are not all criminals, even though they are usually deceived in struggling against their interests and overall being of that helpless culture that it would be nice if someone could get along tolerably there - it could be a lot worse, like, for instance, how things would be in terms of safety if there were an undeclared right-win effort.  That irks the heck out of a lot of people who want to slam people and their case of rights from hating them down, by unfathomable prejudiced guidelines.

I'm working on ways to promote safety and to keep divisions between existences fair (life and love are fair) and tolerable enough so there is no reason to be evil, so that the "catholic" version of understanding things such as purgatory and the earth as fallen - or not - is sufficient to restore my innocent day 8 (my main interest, perhaps - but i shudder thinking about war that could become a less enlightened attitude).

Listen to the authority on the loudspeakers in the event of an emergency anywhere if they tell you to make a clean sandwich for the exit at the least possible cost of havoc - ?
