Saturday, July 23, 2016

Food for Mood

There is no drama czar for regions and communications networks that are now separate and in the hands of the enemy, which does enforce a policy seeking to deaden people or worse in messing them up so as to use them like a kind of putty for how consciousness is collectively moved and used, as well as for how individuals perhaps all of them at some point at least in the end are stiffed, and they always start at the obvious point of antipathy as more than existing not just as interests versus the fairest sense of character.  We haven't yet implanted the pathways of light in all lands, which they only want to happen equally, but it's irrelevant.  It doesn't address the freedom that light bestows from control, nor does it address the integrity of the wisdom to all life forms.  The public is sold on individual plans that miss the fluidity of light itself.  It's not the fault of individuals, despite a popular anger about prevalent shortcomings.  It's easier to make a comfortable life for the skilled than it is to manage at levels churning as private, evil economies, too slowly picking up the slack regarding ideas it really really has made a global scale priority of maintaining right under everyone's noses, such as transferring media companies to a less than disgusting quality of bare value.  Who has ever been in charge of worker management in this sense, like an overly sensitive prudishness combatting as a political right in terms of the scale with which developments are not just separate but bought and then viciously disposed of anyways.  Creative regional possibilities - or any other ones - hardly exist, nor would they be safe, so a global adaptive ability and determination is needed.

Do you believe hospitals for the human race were forever waiting to be discovered, or else, they'd materialize on their own, faster than you could plough through a street full of frogs?  I do.  We just missed supporting the eon after which we'd never need them again.

Let's think about what our standards of living were for ages and ages before industrialization.  Is our product attainment level now necessary, in terms of never stuffing garbage in a new old crack or throwing it out the window again, out of tune with clamoring about the kitchen?  Is it immoral to hire a cook for a group home? Or are you a democrat?

Is money necessary to clutter the perimeters of verdant private spaces?  Are people loud and offensive?  Are we safe within systems we depend on in order to respect grievous periods of toil from - what - government half of us might vote for?  Does that need to be augmented in the case of lunatics organizing us from depending on costly need?  Can a whole human race turn insufferable in principles of defense from gnomes?

How long are you going to plan out possibly freeing animals from cages?  I ordered they be freed.
