Saturday, April 2, 2016

Peace Agreement Between Privilege And Truth Under Anderson Cooper?

"Time, as change, other than the connection of flow itself, - not a good thing -, is an electro-vibe (as it relates to unrestrained anger and fear), which (in this misapplied sense), as> you must never deny hate from the conscious right against other consciousness, until this is a fully recognized equality, the power of a human, between gratuitously autonomous, up to wasting all things, and a governance negating appearances as the defense of all."  Furthermore...

"Whether this is from a greater part and the negation of any right of felt quality of care, or unconscious indulgence in a gradual upward hope, doesn't matter, as long as we are trapped within not being affected by the power of time within the benefit aligned with potential nature.  As long as the vibe is denied."

But...  In the truer sense!, this deliberate wasting and harmfulness matching psychological extremity, should not affect, as the order of war versus proper consideration, the right of a focus by positive virtue onto peacefully assessing separation, or unity's quality of efficiency as cost and function.
