Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Group Health Insurance- I was lost but now am found

For the past few years we have started to tell our small groups to stop offering health insurance to their employees, especially when you have employees that would be better off getting their insurance through the exchange and getting better rates than what the employer can give them. This worked great here in Nevada! Now comes 2017....
Health insurance companies are finally getting data back about the individual marketplace and it isn't pretty. I like to think of health insurance risk pools as swimming pools. When someone is a heavy user of benefits they dirty that pool. The individual marketplace is the filthiest pool you can get into. Who wants to swim in the dirtiest pool? That's why so many carriers have exited the marketplace and the carriers have told brokers they won't pay them a dime or at least significantly less if they enroll someone on one of those plans. They also raised the rates on those plans to show individuals how bad it really is.

If you still qualify for a subsidy, you are still probably better off through the exchange for cost, because the government is still footing their portion of the bill. The problem you will have is access to doctors. In Nevada we have Anthem pulling their PPO and Prominence pulling their WellHealth network. So fewer doctors to choose from, but the subsidies can help as the plans un-subsidized are seeing some healthy increase.
If you don't qualify for a subsidy, have at least 1 w2 employee other than yourself, or just want want some great options, please consider looking at group health insurance again. You get more options with national networks and the rates are quite a bit lower than the individual plans. Shock! As this wasn't the case the past couple years. Employers can also set up benefits to be deducted pre-tax saving even more money and also have the baility to wow their new employees by offering a great benefits package. Win win win.

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Friday, September 2, 2016

Is your financial advisor really an advisor or insurance salesman?

Have you ever tried investing on your own? What do you think about when you invest?

I know I think about buying stocks. A little piece of a company. I remember in high school picking a few companies to follow on Yahoo finance and see how well our picks did at the end of a certain period. If we made money we were happy. The trick was picking the right stocks. In the real world you have to actually have money to buy these stocks. When you put in that order there are all sorts of fees to pay as well in order to get it transferred to your name. This can be overwhelming. If you are dealing with your own precious money as well you don't want to pick the wrong stock. So you hire a "professional."
I think everyone and their mom is a financial professional. I see more job openings on Linkedin and job boards for financial services than any other industry. On the show Last Week Tonight they made fun of the fact that everyone can claim to be a financial advisor as there is no actual law or licensing to be considered as such. If you find yourself in front of a person who considers them an advisor there is no real way of figuring out  what credentials they hold and what they are really trying to get you to buy. I like the funny video that the CFP Board puts out to show this.
When you pull back the wool though you find they are all just some kind of insurance salesman. No one likes losing money, but they all love making it. So the way advisors make money is by selling you an insurance policy to ensure you never lose, or if you do, it should hopefully be by very little. Who doesn't like that? That is why annuity sales (insurance for investments) are incredibly high. $440 million in 2012 according to LIMRA
Insurance isn't a bad thing, just has a high cost. Remember the way insurance works is you pay for everyone to share in the potential losses so instead of you getting really large gains and possibly really large losses you are paying someone out of your large gains to insure you won't get large losses. You are going to miss out on all of the fun and pay an insurance salesman some great commissions.  Why else do companies recruit agents so much? They give great returns! They also bank on the fact that agent won't last long anyway and any business he/she writes is all commissions they never have to pay out.
So long story short, your financial advisor is really just an insurance salesman. Just make sure you pick one that understands what they are doing and discloses to you the compensation in recommending a product. It doesn't make them evil. Sometimes they can be ignorant and sometimes they can be self promoting (greedy) but just make sure you keep a guard and take control of what you want.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hands like a hibiscus, empire matters... quite nearby to perfection

Yellow goldfinch!  We're still in business.

They tended not any jewels.  Our love is true on every shore where we consider others our own.

The USA was founded as a conservative country, and followed a history as such.  People democratized it, and sacrificed enormously in order to do so.  Now all of a sudden insufferable fools betray the people they feel betrayed them in not inheriting a cold cancellation of all eternal chances.  They never intended any material support for the hollow darkness, hate itself, only wanting to cast trouble into it, an empty bargain that sees us as coal, in enforcing suffering as what they wish past death.

They may be more conservative than i realized.

But we did not hate back, and the truth of the trap is exposed.  It's catholic, in my estimation, or perhaps just the coldness of nothing otherwise.  Everything in the whole world seems to be.  Ok, so they don't get away with everything, except that.  And we dare not as a democratic people abandon clinging to it, the vast majority, intertwined insufferably by codes and serious cryptic advantage.  Don't fall for that.  It's a blink of a moment in history, that dust, gray fundamentalism that they electrically misuse, as if we all don't hope for something much higher than just the rich being behind the scenes.  The tip of one boot just for kicks.

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Blessing level 9B; baked potatoes enraptured in aluminum foil

They, too, were once the kings of a prior, vegetable kingdom.

Already the earth is crisped, all ages hurtle to the one after the next one like a gaping hole is destroying them, pulling them in, without it.  There are no landscapers, painters, etc., now, in most places, in our eternal purpose as a species as equal professionals, who must vogue in the gift of it as an educational degree and fascination of joy as our purpose lifted to awe-inspiring rest, to serve the urge to merge, as we instead rush headlong into the masculine sign to come.  It's one thing if a race as dominance (what they just destroyed) easily does for itself and others what it freely wants to, as the primitive blessings [unimaginably glorious to us] of flex.  It seems as if a coarse mediterranean climate is replacing the ease with which the goddess multiplies.

You didn't have to do that, to the heavens, as my beautiful place of splendors, Aquarius and the life force sustained as enough for at least one planet's creative sweet ways.  Opinions about the risks developed moral beings, including at our level and other lower levels such as law and order, pose, is nonsensical and poor.

Did demons have to wage an eternity of wars because of what any of them ever did with a salt or pepper shaker?  Probably.  And because you're a human and they're demons, you'd probably agree.

Someday there will be a fire age, when pinnacles of fire will lift us from our hiding places of denied feminine flow.  One function in particular is a blessing of the fire sign.

Survey the boundaries of West Virginia;  no tornadoes, no hurricanes, no blizzards, no heat waves, no earthquakes, no landscaping.

Oh, shtop.  This time i might really eat something i shouldn't.

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Gaydar, once perfect, now detecting 'mannequins'

Gays and lesbians have masculine and feminine 'iq''s of zero, respectively.  If they can't figure it out themselves by intellect, they will make excuses for themselves for eternity, in not accepting being told what they absolutely have to do under strict guidance in doing the motions for them, not that they should be corrected in their nature, but when they are the only! obstacle as a link in what is required for the undeniable need of others.  In covering up their personalities, it's sad.  Being terrified forever as the central appearance of perfection denied to others is inexcusable in both sense.

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Adventures in the Dolomites, year 2999

I tried filming the neighbor's yard not knowing what it's all about once, but lost the (invisible) wrestling match.  This morning someone who may be totally innocent walked by and the videos i just (didn't even take one of them) are then in reverse order, and the ordinary sky, still fully blue, turns "green" like a sour, long rotten apple - day 4.  A walk around the neighborhood then is under a normal blue sky, like day 7, then turns to another color, like pain, as it merges with day 5, purgatory.  Can purgatory absorb the heavens too, early, in causing endless battlefields of pain to fill its greed?  I love my neighbors, they're really nice, but i don't think they're multi-tasking as much as me.  I think they multi-task all the time, but i think they have one specific world agenda, and i don't know what it is.  I don't think it's safe for them to be doing real kinds of active things so close to my house, where i drew pictures that heaven accepted.

People won't defend themselves;  they are defiant in the individual phalanx of feet planted in concrete of not even causing that much more rudeness, nuclear possibilities be damned.  Without me, they're not still 8's.  There is no level 6 to defend existence as a pure other existence without merging;  they will rail like raucous male voices combined with the 5's.  You don't have to teach me noone can be trusted, except your banker and friends.  I'm not stupid about being from a time that existed, in sensing some normal things that i realize could be half completely irrelevant under the international amount of day 6 interests, whatever you've surrounded yourself with in not knowing anything that you think is right there going to get me through you more than having evident risks much closer.

These are the groups i think probably keep a tab on myself in no particular order:
South Africa
Christian heaven
Lily "Lemon" Meringue

I actually think all countries and groups spy on me.

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Over the coastal cliff; jellyfish colony too far

Apparently someone agreed with me that Bahrain is the... worst imaginable place to turn that around as matching a political subset of worse than the devil's humorous offer of any pure contemptuous grace, as appeased, as a gateway to heaven and paradise.  I saw it's skyline, of the capital Manama:  it is my least favorite, as the least beautiful or creative one in the world, seriously, a kind of unimproved and unable to be except as looking like it wastes a barrel of oil.  There was nothing heavenly about its sky - it looked more like hell, to be exact.  It's people don't even look real.  I had never seen a population of people anywhere in the world that i actually thought were unreal looking whereas every... single... other variety, from Cambodia to Mongolia, to Ethiopia, i adored as different by any mixed standards.  The only place.  It is a miniscule desert island in a hot sea.

All their analogies are based on the skepticism that there is no way, there is no way, that a pinpoint of grace existed to base success on before day 6, in there being any intelligence that doesn't make a mockery of any way of doing things other than the power of seeing the 'light' of mocking disgust, as a simple idea one way or the other, as the point that you would still do it if it was true... that has guided people - up to the former highest point of day 5.  They're absolutely right about that, by the way.

There are people who can rejoice at the simplistic nature of what white men really only were - homophobic, in flunking, finally, to the precept of not ever having had... any worth... in standing up to the styrofoam flying rodent of their incompetence.  Was it worth wasting heaven, and, as, this universe, instead, for homophobia as that important a goal where freedom isn't subsumed like being hazed by the whims of doing no good?  It might have if that were true, but in reality we were a people much better than that, not only reaching equality in the sense of it becoming a taught principle of offense, shared, with the morality of us as intellectual being in the exact same boat with declining recourses as any ease, that we did never argue.

But whose to say when a man with an iq of 112 will ever look at a man with an iq of 102, and say, "holy ----, i'm as much smarter than you as i am more secure than you."

I think the situation is a little more draconian than fundamentalist regarding enforced elite thought of no risk to that, in how spartan perfectly hiding a person is from the real defended values of private wealth and lesser passion also perfectly matching that higher intellectual infinite of where we're all heading as paid in zooming toward exploring the whole universe as is | not even close to understood as it would be more than with a shrug by refined interests as hopeless as ever, in breaching mere pride!
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