Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hands like a hibiscus, empire matters... quite nearby to perfection

Yellow goldfinch!  We're still in business.

They tended not any jewels.  Our love is true on every shore where we consider others our own.

The USA was founded as a conservative country, and followed a history as such.  People democratized it, and sacrificed enormously in order to do so.  Now all of a sudden insufferable fools betray the people they feel betrayed them in not inheriting a cold cancellation of all eternal chances.  They never intended any material support for the hollow darkness, hate itself, only wanting to cast trouble into it, an empty bargain that sees us as coal, in enforcing suffering as what they wish past death.

They may be more conservative than i realized.

But we did not hate back, and the truth of the trap is exposed.  It's catholic, in my estimation, or perhaps just the coldness of nothing otherwise.  Everything in the whole world seems to be.  Ok, so they don't get away with everything, except that.  And we dare not as a democratic people abandon clinging to it, the vast majority, intertwined insufferably by codes and serious cryptic advantage.  Don't fall for that.  It's a blink of a moment in history, that dust, gray fundamentalism that they electrically misuse, as if we all don't hope for something much higher than just the rich being behind the scenes.  The tip of one boot just for kicks.