Friday, August 12, 2016

There's going to be very few of us left to get along with people - above defending rights for everyone

What atoms are to human minds, quarks are to creative robots.  proto-tech combination eon

Show up 4000 a.d. - * Smart Girl Party *


Anti-work, anti-school, anti-hospital, anti-human, anti-democrat, anti-anti-ownership denial, anti-automobile, anti-electric bug zappers, anti-mirror, anti-personality, anti-shame.  Reincarnation by Aquarius.


Worst possible hallmark quote (tm 2016):  Atom by atom I will control every one of you.


You don't have to fear death as long as you don't overreact to CZARCASM!!!


The Saturday Evening post:  infinitely up to date in all areas of real justice:  *subsidized by worldwide coastal undersea hotels

Since the Ford Model T truck a hundred years ago - in America - there's been improvements in fruit, pesticides, and pavement.  No white people in Africa caused introducing a lag in their development to starvation.

Made you think for a second.  "Can't do that".  To whose kids are even?

Substance of accusation ain't truth.


Thoughts about text-quest 2010 paying off/lighting up:

You mention day 6's reputation for abuse of workers, and the first thing the 7's think about agreeing with them for comradeship sake of equality over scatter-be-joys is that they're a communist age...  but*, they- [never) did! invent "automatic appliances" all those: years, did they?  You'd be better off shrieking in the back seat of a Ford Falcon than expecting a relaxing ride on a 500 pew platform bus.  The question is not whether I! am going to say "Rumpelstilskin at a disco", the question is whether you're already in bed for a long day of work tomorrow.  There's more than one way to discriminate.

My concession is you can count your own rug fibers.  I'll be counting the days till the year 2,000, and what i presume will be a lion king, none other, nor would i want any other, gazelle be done, when hunting after all may exist among the savannah poor.

The world is a vast place to have only moments of sin under indescribable persecution's effects as an infinite end all and be all of what otherwise only sustains some part as a sinful hierarchical unity, to be, for better or worse, the only currency.  That currency is the return to the belief in sin.  Imagine the whole world, wasted, because people think they know better.

Maybe it was wasted because someone called someone "penis breath" on tv.  Well, i guess people are right every time i think of blasting off about the gay constitution.  Waste Africa - they resort to cannibalism in emergencies, none other;  start anew somewhere else.

-  But that's all hogwash, and you should know that.  Take the rest of your lives off, and erase - get over - concerns about anyone who seriously negated eternally your not doing that when you had a chance, for yourselves, pound for pound.  Find another way.  Don't sweat it - they took all the good, important and what all is related to all our safety jobs;  don't let those evil people take over.  I wrote to the government about my starving nephew.  It's a total sham.  They operate like fanatics to a new, total public opinion about secret stupidity that i just called hogwash.  Bizarre, how they get you to keep adapting, like you're that m.f., about mismatched obessions you were probably already obsessing about.
