Monday, August 22, 2016

Rated NN for not normal/ Educationally valuable post from 3/26/2016 at an equally bad time of day - oh papa

Regular dude thug equipment replacement package:  Cost to you:  12 eons of snobbery.  Cost to me:  12 eons of leadership.  Cost to the universe:  12 eons of improvement.  Savings for antigay snobs:  1 smile.  Speed of cancellation:  instant.  Speed of alternative improvement:  eternity (second by canceled second).  Snob adjustment assistance:  turn all life forms invisible leaving out one unispecies food source at night.  In other words, it's beyond actually worth it for ones to assist snobs with evil at all times.

This describes level 5, purgatory's, attitude of activity with level 6 snobs, which level 6 is wont to agree with in dismissiveness of hard luck as hard intolerance.  And although level 6 includes form, form does not attain meaning above function even as beauty until level 10!  Which might be why I have extra vision in understanding what things are.

It's hard to communicate with relatively shallow 7's, who with 8's mute all meaning as their morality although 8's have advanced to a mellow counter kindness with the 7's, since the past age of 2,000 years, in their increasingly extravagant dawn.

Find out where iron ore comes from, because it would have taken God 10 seconds to save the universe if he could have seen who i actually am.

Nerd - be - on - my - own - now       $29.99        Stay the heck away from me, Floridians, I'm worth $50 million/heaven


NOT Ok, thieves;  (i'm guessing you're interested);  fools, it's an acronym for forgiveness only organized loving Swedes.  I'm not investing in my body under the best of circumstances in the way you want to end sentences with participles, similarly - if it's any consolation, thank God for that yourselves.  The big bang multiplied stars, with the same output of energy.

Don't overreact to perceived threats, offenses, crimes, or provocations, - that does not mean you can be irresponsible about everything at all times in always being led back to a kind of party as the quality of basically inclusive and reasonable living - because i certainly don't, and it's a good thing because life is good and people exploit fear to a terrifying degree.  Oh wadda shoulda been a polar bear.  Everything's fine if you order the first priority of being more kind to me, in finding a way without exaggerating what turns out to be straight, prejudiced guys all over the land living it up, historically, like they always will.  Normal levels are fabulous, don't reject your savior.  I don't want to bypass feminine people as mere status symbols at best in not recognizing the virtue of intelligence except as a quality of jealousy always picking away and whittling down any value of it for it's own higher sense, which i don't consider the same thing as that.
