Sunday, August 21, 2016

Quiz to test your geography knowledge

Name the country to the north of the United States of America:  (hint:  it features as another answer to another question in this test)


Name the country to the south of the United States of America:  (hint:  Donald Trump wants its people to come here legally)


Name the largest country on each continent.  In the case of Africa, guess:

North America:  (hint:  one in five of its citizens speak french) ---------------------------------------------

South America:  (hint:  it has a large rainforest)            ----------------------------------------------------

Europe:   (hint:  it's also the largest country in Asia)     -----------------------------------------------------

Asia:  (hint: I think that last hint is true)    ------------------------------------------------------------------

Africa:  (think:  probably could be one of those magnificent camel desert places, with less turbans)   -------


Australia:  (hint:  easy)  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Antarctica:  Antarctica is not divided into countries.

Answers:  there is no repentance greater than the return of the senses to the people who would die rather than get along without your having total full access to the means and measure by which you create / who needs luxury when noone even knows you're living on a far off tropical beach for peanuts / i'll beat you in every measure of what i'm going to beat you at / why use chopsticks when you can drop and do the clop kick / boom boom in the room room if you don't return the zoom zoom

Name the 4 oceans.  -----------------------------------          --------------------------------------

                                -----------------------------------          --------------------------------------

Answers:  (scrambled)  ficcipa;  clanita;  dianin;  tricca

Name all cities on the shores of each ocean that you can think of:  -----------------------------------





Is it on an ocean?:  London ----- Paris ----- Rome ----- Cairo ----- Jerusalem -----

Buenos Aires ----- Santiago ----- Philadelphia ----- Portland (Oregon) ----- Nyack (New York) -----

Name the 8 Ivy League colleges:  -------------------------------------------------------------------



----------------------------------        answers below:  

Answers:  Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Columbia University, 
Dartmouth University, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University.

We are a knowledge based people.
