Thursday, August 11, 2016

N = 'normal' post pending a.d. 6000: Sabre toothed tiger thoughts

I was looking at picture (a beautiful artist's rendering of one) of the once level of living with what it understood.

I love animals, always, all animals, for all time.  I thought;  "do you know HOW he (the sabre toothed tiger) needed love?"  - I said, "you don't have to know why he needed love;  he didn't need that kind."  Fascists.


I looked at a picture of dinosaurs under a hazy, unclear sky;  "angels of the plane of existence of needing love."

Since I was a child, I always consciously to understanding loved every single invidual who ever lived, of every species.  Truth is vast, it always was, incalculable as the generally similar purpose to strong, and of course females share much with males as such, feeling, the fact of being as good that we without evil in our own concerns exist, that we know, of being, in many.  It's very interesting that as that kind of savior, i should live now, after what to most species is this relatively recent loss of nature now to humans in their extraordinary powers to manage using it for themselves.  What is it like if it should be lost, now, how much was ever lost?  I don't even necessarily want endless kingdoms of life to co-exist suddenly, to proliferate, like sudden planes, spirit as the awareness that they exist.  There are or would be someday the animal spirits, distinct, a coming race of beyond consciously vast beings, of the age of Sagittarius.  Brilliant heirs and owners as a family of what we already can see as the complexity of colorful life for its own sake, free, around us.  Other species might benefit truer to spirit, and we could join them, soft and pleasurable without ambitious finally direct to understanding, as never having been pressured, possibly in a world that would have been heaven already as the escape.


Our age of conscious salvation has predominantly wonderful centers of thought where most people are pro-animal rights, but we didn't have the power of it, applied to the reality of who almost everyone also loved and considered our "friends".  This was not contraposed to all forms of radicalism where anyone might have been poorer anywhere.  We were disadvantaged in power in all (liberal) senses of what many saw as a long-term struggle, not as our own interests.   Everyone then understood it better, but different from now being neutralized was an individual affair, as everyone though often without respect to innocent private privileges which was not common to average beginnings, and gay people were not just indulged as unusual, so radical concepts were not frequently enacted then but the spirit of all and that included nearly all persuasions and creeds, was shared.  Straight men and white people were perhaps advantaged without much due application of "leniency", though as harsh political religious legal systems plus social isolation and abuse, bringing about kinds of justice and options other than the world that could have been reformed and in many nations often was in economics.  Personal benefits such as intellect, education, and physical attributes usually mattered, - benefits were known to be applied graciously though the least important to me is when a billionaire creates a foundation usually of unfathomably dependent medical economic ties/obligations within a still complete ownership division/focus - totally, in whole lifestyles that were not always given to redress of a warm and sympathetic interest, which i was, and then crucified, quite honestly, under a whole system of denial despite a brush off of limited attempts, as any sort of change apart from who we always were.  Animals were predominantly disregarded as off the radar of average consumers.  Many brave radicals fought and worked hard.  Many had it easy, socially and arbitrarily.  The need for justice was the war and community.

People read the Enquirer and believe it.

A book on astrology might have made the public fear an age of Capricorn for the quality of "dominance", like an Archaetron made of rocks, but just as it could be reversible as femaleness, after the completely integrated balance of Aquarius, it could also be a man's - a child's - supreme gentleness, and, under the unimaginable of present organization planning for new assaults of shrewdish insidiousness, the need for sensitivity for what surpasses any total speechlessness of what could never be understood as so opposed to it - ... a child, completely pure and total in his heart of a system shucking anyone not that opposed to utter cold control, a catholic counter matriarchy revealed way past its own first point of relaxation itself, if just at least as blind to what are they doing.  A very long stretched arm still noble for caring for everyone, now as a bizarre downgrade without integrity.

There could certainly be a cult biding time forever in not "believing" in continuing saviors of the heavens for justice's sake (made easy) itself.

I'm not so sure i believe in at least as much school for children, maybe for myself, and perhaps some other really gifted people.  I believe in my radio ad, as it was, as the transition to the type of leading that would be one with all entertainment.  I never use math.  Who does, but for evil purposes?  Ok, at best, count your cash.  I think... it's an incredibly sad time for the world, to be honest, right now.  But because of the creation of vast heavens, maybe they're their, somewhere, above, with us down here, under them, too, maybe not... life is what it is.  The sub-creation of my antarctic belly button, and it gets all the attention.
