Thursday, August 18, 2016

Grisham Times articuloco condensiensipitas

Don't waffle on women's equality.  Phrases like "toupee on" have often been used to get people to jump out of windows.

Level 4, as a plane of being, isn't actually "life" like a jail sentence, or, erasing anything.  Atoms move on, as a physical structure.  If we stay true to a higher purpose than space-time as just that, all of time for all existence is preserved;  otherwise, we don't or won't.

Morality is the devil's without the true working out of it, above all of who we are now as a new age or savior, of science as moral, and not losing a part.  For all of space time, only reasons as unknown would lead to suffering without the culture of collectivizing good-will, and the cost in wanting to see love through.  It never would matter as the kind of judgement people believed in, except maybe in the wrong way, like a nightmare of having denied something never before understood as higher, in order to be a surviving mechanical part.  That would have to be change, perhaps uncomfortably, perhaps negatives would live valueless lives.

It's sad that we lost all that as an age, of aquarius, of me, as the savior, who instinctively understood conscious relations to time.  We were a people more in tune with reality, with nature, than being for ourselves, seemingly superior.  Without true conscious science, we would just churn, in our activities, recycling like fire, like an aggressive restoration.  Our technology would transmit worthless understanding, denying joy, which is the conscious reality of survival, for the mechanical agenda.

Who we were, as a people, a whole world, and in fact, all living things who ever lived throughout time, is trapped in me.  It survives, but is constantly being consumed - there's a lot to consume.  The higher parts especially are being consumed first.  This is why i have begged and acted desperate about getting any women of my people to talk to me, as the media uses shrill shrewish mocking whining that more than drives me technically crazy, in making many of our people think in a somewhat  tormented for the specific key people that the removal is being inflicted on, not yet materialized total loss of our people - it's simply... the way... they hate, please believe me we are only the beginning of a higher age with technical understanding  that is unique to us  -  to carry out this process in a new changed way way lower level of life on its own.  They simply have free reign, and no delusions about any feelings about how anyone or anything is wronged.

I survived the most indescribable torments in life like a penny on the train tracks, in heaven, only to have it stolen, and all of heaven unable to include that small a cost, in being immediately destroyed as an imagination sure to someday bypass it, though why people didn't do anything to help me the first time who knows.  I don't want to malign any years, not that any of mine were ever good.  It may come as a surprise to the 8th day that not... once... did i ever in my entire life witness true direct relating closer than a hobbyist explaining something when asked.  The 7's are fueled at every second by desire, at every moment, like blinders as the sin of constant ambition in how they assess what concomitantly is experienced 100% of the time - literally no exceptions, as discrimination, always a straight line of their capitalizing on their natural comfort toward a goal as ambition, completely insensitively and quite often hostile to their surroundings as the surface can be scratched.  This is why gay people's lives are so bad, when you'd think usually prejudiced males would be better;  except insofar as they too show off in situations where they are fortunate to make friends.  They don't embody warmth they way people don't realize as other than social ambition.  It's so strange to me that i sense an 8th day, that there was one, the way i remember such kinder normal people as a child, old people, young people, children, like you see on mid-century tv, too, that i saw everywhere in the world, that they even looked different, like how singers who may be 7's look, like how my still sweet neighbors talk, of the few remaining in this world.  Plus all my relatives seem to be of middling kind natures, and i had pretty ones of the other free nature, and were the 8th day as blindly happy go lucky, extremely approachable, beaming, jovial little people, - not everyone is good at need under the circumstances however - a few of then are tall, all that (the whole human) race of wry, pure story-telling good-will of being a utopia's values itself, that politicians' only copy, like how men were, the same.  But both realities are true.  My sister's yearbook looked like the 8th day, not folksy forkers, and is gone;  only weeds are left.  She may have or would have gone to the 9th day.  The dead may have had more of an interest in rushing through/using up, my age of aquarius's sub-stages than the living.  Who has ever rejected a cause of pride?  I haven't documented every kind of know-it-all in hell, but they also have already voided (from any possible part of what we haven't gotten there yet like they didn't like this liberal age before either) the first few hundred years of the 4000's, as a sub age of domination, now on to determination, almost immediately capped who knows where.

Christian heaven is just geek-beautiful, so they actually are well-behaved and all hold hands somewhere, plus a bunch of rejects (by that i just meant some of our people from our world) and small versions of kind of pretty 7's, with very! polite types of old men, but they're all really nice and openly kind to strangers, like in Canada.  The creativity level, ads, music, gay bars, etc., is way lower.  But it's really clean, almost like clay, and they have a kind of catholic worlds police force for every way too sensitive possibility.

On the 8th day we took for granted not having to ever understand again a level of a kind of universal kindness, at least that was ubiquitous, as a sort of redress, though it was ridiculous as completely corrupted half to christian conservativism.  If you watch British parliament or some other things now, they seem possibly like a kind of surviving day 7 more so than unimaginably boring almost infinitely theatrically tongue in cheek day 5-6 somewhat similar people, and the 5 1/2's i found out are kind of that coarse friendly business type and fairly free flowing energy, though a little tense.

Don't destroy the world if something evil gets in:  it's only as powerful as that paranoid suggestion - it would just be its inconceivable, well, use of words.  INconceivable.  Wasting everything.

If a shark is stranded on the beach, after a tidal wave's retreat, don't personify controlling it, if it's a female shark;  it's not personifying the need for water;  it really needs it to stop thrashing.

The material and immaterial worlds are interconnected and interdependent.  Fire is the worst element to subdue the spiritual aspect of things.  Air finds its freedom with water.  -  eh?  sounds good.  - fire controls earth.  It could be a step back, from reality at its purest stable point, though potentially a very beautiful as slightly subdued one, if the demons don't empty the fire hydrant with fire hoses first.  Like, in saving a shark or something.   I'm Air o ;  danish swedish norwegian; 'luft';  - earth symbol , i'm being tested for water, not sharks.

Do you believe in that ancient simplest way of seeing the nature of things around us?  I do.  I don't have every answer, because I just don't, i haven't happened to think of everything yet, and a new question i have, just as of 2 days ago is, what is the explanation for the relational suspension aspect of solid form?  I don't believe in atoms, i think a lot of what we are taught are almost tricks played upon us, in religion and culture, too.  There could be some truth to it, but i think the nature and shape of the world we know is also a product in time.  The instruments could be overvalued in the outcome of the perceived measure at that length and distance of conscious conception.  Kind of like seeing double.  That could easily be the result of the too simple product of a theory.  I wouldn't put it past evil science to use harm to life in the defense (of) and maintenance of the course of their development.
