Friday, July 22, 2016

weird terminology - like a cult - keep reading first

the 6's like, what i can't stand, is their controlling the media back when, like, wee hee! hi happy liberal day! and they don't tell you a thing.  they're also like, gay? we don't have to be friendly, it's not cool, that we took our women up and let in only low ones as proof that things grow in the thistles, it works like we're succeeding in doing what the low levels want.  what does it take to be normal, a friend?  and the low level ones are crueler and more isolating than you could imagine in a thousand years, with every interaction ending in a physical shrewd cruel power.  only the silent men are tolerable.  so they kicked me out and now noone tells anyone basic things about how its actually a plane run by a religion, not opportunities of what wouldn't matter anyway.  i don't look good in a suit.

the 7's are like, one size fits all.  in a million years wouldn't share telling anyone about a savior.  policy of expanding/compressing lice.  to the gp/gp power, they know nothing else.

and the 8's, the lambs led to slaughter, are like, a savior? and there's 7 billion limp wrists in my direction, as the outcome of the organizing power of every moral thought that isn't just good activity.
