Thursday, June 9, 2016

Reality Vs Perception

Have you ever though to yourself, "That person has it all, money, power, sex" or anything like that? You wonder how they got to be so successful. Some these people tell you how you too can be successful just like them. Notice though how they are also charging you money to learn how to be successful just like them? That's because they are really no different than you are.
We are all human and we tend to make similar choices. The difference each of us has is opportunities. None of us are bon with the same parents or situations and we each have different friends and crowds we hang out with. This in turn generates different opportunities throughout our lifetime. Even the successful had to start out somewhere. They weren't an instant success. You will also be amazed to find out that the reason they are charging you money is because in order to perpetuate their success they need your money to stay successful in order to preach to people how to become successful.
I have found that people who make modest lives and in their own right are successful are more than happy to share with others at no cost. They give freely of their time and resources. This doesn't always mean they give everything away, but they are willing to enrich not only their lives, but others' lives as well.
Maybe I am just a dreamer, but I think a world where we give more are we the most successful and happy. The more we give the more we also receive form others.
