Virtual House Call
Telehealth is a word coined to describe a doctor-patient encounter mediated entirely by technology. In its simplest form, telehealth is your primary care doctor hearing your complaint, forming a diagnosis, and recommending an over-the-counter remedy, all in the course of a single phone call. You receive care without darkening your doctor’s door.
In its more evolved form, telehealth is a video link-up through a corporate vendor specializing in just such electronic encounters. Or instead of taking a half-day off work to drive across town and haunt your doctor’s waiting room, you simply use your smartphone to transmit to her office a photo of that mysterious rash.
With carriers like Anthem, Cigna, and UnitedHealth Group expanding their telehealth networks, and pharmacies like CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens investing in telehealth platforms, it’s safe to say that multimedia medicine is more than a trend; it’s an important solution to the problem of healthcare scarcity.
Dallas-based Teladoc is at the forefront of this technological movement. Teladoc’s physicians are available for consultation 24/7. Place a call to Teledoc and an experienced, state-licensed, board-certified physician will get back to you in minutes (16 minutes on average). This service is ideal for cold and flu symptoms, allergies, respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, ear infections, sinus disorders, and the like. Teledoc physicians can prescribe certain short-term prescriptions, such as antibiotics.
(Remember, however, that in the event of a medical or psychiatric emergency, you should always call 911. Telehealth is not for emergency treatment. Nor is it for chronic ailments or specialty care; although Teladoc can provide guidance as to whether you require a specialist.)
Perhaps best of all, expenses incurred through Teladoc qualify for reimbursement under your FSA, HSA, and HRA.
The expansion of consumer access to limited healthcare resources is among the great economic and social challenges of our time. Nevada Benefits supports and encourages the spirit of innovation embodied in the telehealth approach.