Monday, May 5, 2014

fewer people without health insurance!

I will be the first to say that these numbers actually surprise me. This article published by Reuters here states that uninsured rates have declined by 5%! I honestly thought we would see a shift in who was insured. For instance, we would see those who previously could not afford insurance going on Medicaid and getting subsidized and those who could afford insurance before, but now can't due to high rates, opting out. I think the article agrees there really isn't an exact answer to this though as there are many factors still in play. A lot of people, myself included, have older health plans that still reflect lower rates. My policy isn't set to expire until December and I know most of Las Vegas on those older plans are in the same boat.
I wonder if that 5% represents those who were uninsured because they couldn't get insurance, but could afford it, or if they were the millions of people who previously couldn't afford insurance due to lack of employment and now have Medicaid. I know we got almost 3-5 times the calls for people wanting Medicaid than any other call. A lot of people who got subsidized insurance were just replacing what they already had and/or looking for alternatives to their COBRA options.
I think the real test to this new system is going to be in a few more years when we start seeing some strong economic job growth. The only question is will this law halt that job growth? A lot of socialized countries see higher natural unemployment rates than we do. So maybe we are seeing a new norm? This law will be seen as a success then in getting more people insurance as was intended.
