Monday, March 4, 2013

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks & 1 day!  
How big is baby estimated to be? He's around the size of a watermelon or a pumpkin still, I guess. I'm curious to find out how big he is whenever he decides to arrive!
Total weight gain: I'm still hanging around 19lbs gained. My body seems to like being 143lbs right now. 
Wearing maternity clothes? Still just some... Same as usual! I'm going to miss wearing some of my cute maternity clothes after Camden is born! I think I'll keep the leggings out but I know my colored cords won't fit. So I'm trying to wear that stuff now while I still can. 
Symptoms this week: Lots of contractions! I had some on Thursday night that were about 15-20 minutes apart, lasting 40ish seconds for about an hour and a half. Then they got down to 14 minutes apart for another hour or so... Then they disappeared when I got distracted by Jacob's homecoming! They really weren't painful at all. Just mild and uncomfortable. My mom was convinced that I was in labor but I wasn't quite as sure since I really didn't feel bad. If that makes sense, haha. I had more steady contractions about 8.5-10 minutes apart, lasting 40-50 seconds, on Saturday night. But those went away once I went to sleep... It seems like my body can't decide if it wants to have Camden yet or not, lol. Other than the contractions, I've been having more insomnia. It stinks not being able to sleep! And that coupled with Jacob's current jet-lag that has him waking up around 7am is rather exhausting. Last night I was up until about 3am because I just could not fall asleep. My appetite has also been weird this past week. I haven't been as ravenously hungry as usual. I had zero appetite one day. My back is a little sore today but I just think that's from adjusting to sharing my bed again. I definitely won't complain about that! Totally worth it to have my hubby back! And I'm still feeling really good overall.
Food cravings: Only one strong craving this week- frozen yogurt! Not just any fro yo- the kind from those awesome places that do the self-serve soft serve fro yo with all the toppings selections. Yum! I could go for more right now just writing about it ;]
Food aversions: Nothing!
Any movement from baby? Yes! I pay pretty close attention to Camden's activity level these days. He's still an active little guy! I know he's running out of room but he wiggles around a lot. And he's back to getting the hiccups frequently :] He also has his own jam these days. Whenever he's awake and I play "It'z Just What We Do" by Florida Georgia Line, he goes crazy! He wiggles all over like he's dancing, hahaha. It's hilarious and wonderful. That's how Jake got to feel him move for the first time. Camden's jam, haha.
Gender: Boy!
Emotions and experiences this week: JACOB CAME HOME THIS WEEK!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, words cannot express how thoroughly happy I am to have my hubby back!!!! I knew that he was approved for early release from his deployment and I knew his fly out date... but I wasn't exactly sure what day he would be back here in Massachusetts with me. He ended up getting all of his in-processing done in Dover in one day, Thursday, then drove up here. But he told me he was going to come up Friday so I was very surprised to see him Thursday night! The situation is actually kind of a funny story... Jake told me that he would be spending the night in DE because he wasn't feeling too well and didn't have the energy to drive. I understood that he was tired and needed his rest but I was really disappointed at the same time. I just wanted him home right away! But I was happy to know I'd see him the next day and tried to do my best to just keep myself busy the rest of the evening. That meant watching the Bruins game, of course, haha. I was having contractions for a couple hours and started freaking out a little bit that I might be going into labor. So at about 10pm I texted Jake to let him know what was going on. He told me he'd leave right away and be there as soon as he could. I know that drive is like 6-7 hours so I expecting him to get in around 4am. Well, Jake called me at about 11pm and this is how our conversation went:
Jacob: I have a joke for you. Want to hear it?
Me: Sure... 
Jacob: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Jacob: ManBear.
Me: ManBear who?
Jacob: ManBear's home!!!
Me: WHAT?!!?
Yeah, I was so shocked!! I couldn't even believe it! I ran outside and jumped on him. Yes, pregnant belly and all :P  It was amazing to finally be back in his arms!! It was just perfect. PERFECT. It's SO nice having him home!! He's gotten to feel Camden wiggle all around and get the hiccups a couple times. I think he likes it ;] Gahhh, I'm just completely happy to have Jacob back!!! Other than that major highlight, my week was good! Wednesday was my birthday. I got my hair cut (short mom hair, yay!) and a gel manicure, which was great. Then my daddy made lobster for lunch (my favorite!) and my parents treated me to Wholly Cannoli for dessert. I opted for a chunk of chocolate tiramisu instead of a cannoli and it was a very good decision, haha. So yummy! This was honestly a really awesome week, topped off with the best surprise ever with my hubby coming home :D
Looking forward to: Camden's arrival!! Now that Jake is home we're just waiting for our little guy to decide it's time to arrive. I'm hoping he comes on his due date or later. I'm really enjoying the time I have to just be with Jacob after 5 months apart. I'm not quite ready for everything to change with Camden's arrival yet... But I am very excited for him to come! I have a prenatal appointment tomorrow morning so I'm looking forward to that, too. I'm happy that Jake can be there for it! And I'm really curious to know if my contractions have helped my dilation progress. Ahhh, it's so crazy that I'm having a baby any day now!! 
